Kamchatka Thermal Baths in Zelenovskie Ozerki

Купание в целебных источниках “Зеленовские озерки”

«Зеленовские озерки» располагаются в 20 км от города Елизово. На базе отдыха построен один большой бассейн и 5 специальных ванн, которые наполнены радоновой водой. Радоновая вода благоприятно влияет на организм, улучшает обмен веществ и укрепляет иммунную систему.

Температура воды в ваннах разная. Самая горячая ванна — последняя, самая прохладная — первая. Прогревшись в целебных радоновых ваннах, можно окунуться в озеро, которое питают холодные подземные ключи. Такое контрастное погружение подарит необыкновенный заряд здоровья и незабываемые ощущения на целый год! Озеро находится сразу за ваннами, к нему ведут широкие деревянные ступеньки с поручнями.

Тур Что входит Стоимость на 1 чел.
Эконом:  Паратунские или Радоновые источники Продолжительность: 3 часа
  • Автотранспорт

Дополнительно оплачивается:
Входные билеты на источники

1-3 чел. – 42 eur.(за машину)
Поездка на Радоновые источники Продолжительность: 4 часа
  • Автотранспорт
  • Входные билеты в бассейн
от 4 чел. –14 eur.


This tour is for those who take good care of your health, and want to get acquainted with bright and interesting tourist objects in Kamchatka, but also get health benefits from staying in a variety of therapeutic hot springs.

For individual groups of the tour date of beginning is arbitrary.

Day 1: Meeting at the airport. Transfer to Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky. Accommodation in a 3 * hotel “Petropavlovsk”. Rest. A trip to Paratunka, swimming in a pool with thermal water.

Day 2: On this day, visitors can take a one-day helicopter tour to the Valley of Geysers and the caldera of a volcano Uzon, with a bathing in the hot springs of wild nature park “Nalychevo.” Duration of the tour 6 – 8 hours.

For those who do not wish to make an excursion to the Valley of Geysers, the trip to the city, the fish market, and the thermal pool will be carried out by car.

Day 3: A trip to the Pacific ocean’s coast. Walking on the “black” beach. After lunch visit to preventive clinic “Zelenovskie Ozerki”, swimming in medical, hydrogen sulfide baths and in the lake with cold water after heating in the bathrooms. The water of hot springs has a beneficial effect on the body, improve metabolism and strengthen the immune system. Facilitate the work of the heart, promote healing of damaged skin, have anti-inflammatory effects. It is used for diseases of the musculoskeletal system, central nervous system, skin diseases, etc.

Day 4: Moving to the Verhneparatunskie hot springs on Mount Goryachaya by car. Guided walk (2.5 km) on the forest trail to Karymshinskie hot springs. Bathing in natural baths. In the evening return to the hotel.

Day 5: Visit to Kamchatka Medicaster, tasting red fish of different species. Stories about the salmon. Teas, herbal teas and tinctures of Kamchatka herbs and plants. A trip to the wild hydrogen sulfide hot springs “Ozernovskie.”

Day 6: Check out with luggage. Moving to Malkinskie hot springs by car (120 km). Bathing in natural hot springs (baths – puddles). Moving to Apacha hot springs (70 km.) Accommodation in the hotel complex “Apacha”, in rooms with all facilities. There is a cafe-bar, satellite TV.

Day 7: Day of tranquility and relaxation. Excurtion to the Apacha natural hot springs. Swimming in a deluxe pool on the open air. The room for recreation, there is a table tennis game, table for playing chess and for a game of backgammon. The healing properties of hot spring water are used to treat diseases of the joints, bones, muscles, nerves, blood vessels.

Day 8: Return to the city by car (165 km), to the hotel. en route visit Nachikinskie hot springs.

Day 9: Visit the fish market and souvenir shops. Transfer to airport.

The succession of the tour events may be changed.

Cost of the tour in a compound group is xx,000 rubles per person.

Additional payment for single accommodation at hotels is xx,000 rubles.

In individual groups the cost is:
for a group of 10 people - 719 eur.
For groups fewer than 10 people ask price via email bookings@russiarocks.me

Helicopter tour to the Valley of Geysers and the caldera of a volcano Uzon conducted under favorable weather conditions and must be paid separately. In the season of 2012 the cost was 447 eur per person.

The price includes:
1. hotel accommodation “Petropavlovsk” and “Apache”(DBL), with breakfast.
2. Guide service for the whole tour.
3. meals on the trip to Karymchinskie hot springs (sandwiches, tea, dry ration).
4. swimming in the pools.
5. transportation during the tour (m-bus, car).
6. The program “Kamchatka Tasting”.

The price does not include:
1. Lunch and dinner. (3-5 eur in the cafe), (5-9 eur in restaurant)
2. Additional tours.